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Veterans Day Weekend 2023

November 9, 2023

On November 11th, we pause to honor the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Veterans Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifices made by these extraordinary individuals, who have dedicated their lives to protecting our freedom and upholding our nation's values. In Charleston, you'll find a variety of programs, services, and activities that give you the chance to honor our veterans! 


There are countless ways to honor veterans, both on Veterans Day and throughout the year. We can express our gratitude by simply saying "thank you" for their service. We can learn about their experiences and sacrifices by listening to their stories. We can support organizations that provide essential services to veterans, such as job training, healthcare, and counseling.

There are many ways to celebrate Veterans Day in Charleston! You can... 

Attend the 21st Annual Tribute to Veterans: The City of North Charleston will host the 21st Annual Tribute to Veterans on Friday, November 10, 2023 at 10:00am at North Charleston Performing Arts Center. All veterans in attendance will be recognized and will receive a specially designed commemorative coin. 


Visit the South Carolina Aquarium: This Veterans Day, the South Carolina Aquarium is offering free admission to military personnel with a military ID, plus 50% off tickets for guests! 

Eat some oysters: Join Fam's Brewing for the 6th Annual Veterans Day Weekend Oyster Roast & BBQ. Enjoy the unveiling of the Sea Pearl Oyster Stout, an all-you-can-eat buffet by Crazy Dutchman Catering featuring the best of the ocean and the grill, and pop-up shops teeming with local crafts and novel finds. The event benefits the Warrior Surf Foundation

How are you honoring those who served our country this Veterans Day? Share your ideas in the comments! 

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